Gated Communities and Locked Gates

PHOTO REQUIREMENT: (4 to 5 minimum.)

  • Broad view of Locked Gate
  • Close-up of Locked Gate
  • Photo Towards the House, Over the Locked Gate
  • Address Verification
  • Street Sign


Rural gate

If you come across a property that has a locked rural gate, we do NOTopen the gate, even if it is just loosely tied together.  Doing so could cause a liability issue with the occupants’ animals getting loose.

We NEVER jump gates or fences!

NOTE: We do not leave a door hanger on the locked gate.




Do NOT Select “No Access” on the report form for locked rural gates if you can see the house behind the fence. (*see explanation below)

You DO have access if you can see the house over the fence.  Take a photo of the house.  Use the zoom feature on your cell phone camera if you have to. Do NOT mark down that the occupancy is unknown.  Find out from neighbors, even if you have to drive a 1/4 mile down the road in each direction.  If no neighbors within a 1/4 mile, take a photo down the road in each direction.











*When you select No Access, it closes off the rest of the form, not allowing you to enter information about the property.

The only exception to this rule is if you cannot see the house behind a locked gate.  Mark “No Access” and if available “Locked Rural Gate”. But Only if you cannot see the house!

The main reason to select No Access on an inspection is when you encounter a gated community.

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